A Note from our Founder

As I write this, I’m in a nostalgic and reflective state of mind. Not only is our family’s two-month long Italian summer coming to an end, but my birthday is this week and I’m stepping into a new decade (with heels on, of course).  👠👠👠

I could not have asked for a better prelude to my 40s than working remote (thank goodness for my team back at our Protect My Shoes HQ!) and spending quality family time in the Italian countryside, surrounded by majestic mountains, acreages of wheat, trees of juicy figs, flora swaying with the wind, and greeted by the most welcoming group of locals, always ready to lend a hand. 

This summer has been a gift of pause and the intentional act of slowing down. The expression “la dolce vita” is often used to describe enjoying life and its pleasures, but for the Italians, it goes way beyond the popular saying. For them, it’s truly a state of mind that’s practically ingrained within their DNA. 

Thankfully, I was able to fully embrace “la dolce vita” myself by going on long walks through the winding paths, learning Italian, journaling (something I haven’t done in a long time), meditating in nature, eating meals with no end in sight and allowing my two boys to run wild and free without an ounce of worry, knowing that the “nonnas” of town always have a plate of fresh pasta ready for them. 

Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I felt this stress-free and it gave me the opportunity to reflect on the past decades and the one that’s about to commence. Each decade has been representative of unique life chapters. The teens, well, let’s not go that far back, but the 20s were about independence, adventure, and the bliss of naïveté. I lived and worked in Beijing for ten years, exploring and learning about an entirely new culture. My 30s were marked by relationship transitions, moving back to Boca Raton, starting this brand Protect My Shoes (woohoo) and, the biggest blessing of all, becoming a mother. It was a decade of taking chances, finding my voice and truly believing that what’s meant to be will happen.   

And now, the 40s… What will this decade serve up? Although I can’t control the circumstances that life throws, I am committed to bringing more of “la dolce vita” spirit into my daily routine. This means being intentional with both my time and the people I spend it with. Less is more! 

There is a great quote by Peter Hagerty that says, “Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever.” On August 14, when I wholeheartedly blow those birthday candles, I will feel a deep sense of gratitude for everyone who has been a part of my journey. To my loved ones, my team, our customers and followers, THANK YOU for your support. Protect My Shoes is growing and I'm beyond excited to see where all the hard work takes the brand. As one of my closest friends says, "the best is yet to come." On that note, I wish for us all to have a slice of “la dolce vita” today and everyday. 

With love and gratitude, 




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