We are beyond grateful to have worked on this very VERY special and heartfelt pair of GO PINK shoe cushions for the luncheon’s 20th anniversary. Working alongside event chair Carrie Rubin and the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation, every detail of the design was carefully thought out.

The Go Pink shoe cushions represent Survivorships. On the custom fabric print, "the musical notes symbolize harmony and expression of emotion. Birds symbolize love and freedom. Flowers symbolize change, a new chapter in one's life, while remembering the past and hope for a better future," explains Carrie. Friend and local artist Michelle Sherman helped us bring the vision for the print to life.

The 20th Anniversary of the Go Pink Luncheon, which took place on October 18, was a beautiful celebration of survivorship and a testament to the power that we have as a collective to make a difference. 💕

A big thank you Barb Schmidt and Michelle Maros of Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life for sponsoring these favors. Now, over 1,300 attendees get to enjoy using their Go Pink shoe cushions as they remember what a beautiful day it was.

Here's the recap of the event!
GO PINK this month and every month as we celebrate and honor all those who have fought the battle. 🙏