Our Design Philosophy

We live by the philosophy that everyday functional items can also be pretty and unique to add a touch of style to our lives. After all, it’s the little things that make life that much sweeter and our patented shoe stuffers do just that. We like to think of them as candy for your shoes!


Our Story

Shoes are an exclamation point to any outfit and we care about your shoes! Marilyn Monroe once said, “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.” At Protect My Shoes, we are self-proclaimed shoe addicts and we couldn’t agree more with Marilyn, but that also means that shoe care is important.

Olivia Hollaus, Founder of Protect My Shoes, was tired of the ineffective and wasteful tissue paper stuffers that shred all too quickly, leaving the front part of shoes unprotected. As a result, Olivia set out to develop environmentally-friendly shoe stuffers that seamlessly insert into a variety of shoe styles to protect shoes in closets, travel bags, gym bags, and suitcases. No more mounds of paper thrown around in one's closet and no more squashed up shoes from traveling.

Since our launch in November of 2016, we’ve added a collection of shoe bags, bridal shoe accessories, and gift-sets. We continue to develop new products, always keeping in mind stylish functionality. Simply said, we aim to keep your footwear looking new for years to come.

Available in lots of vibrant fabrics, Protect My Shoes is also a fabulous go-to for year-round gifting ideas. Every product comes with our customized signature gift-box.


Our Why

We truly and sincerely believe in collaboration and supporting other women. Protect My Shoes is a proud member of the Female Founder Collective and FemCity, two fabulous groups that empower women entrepreneurs and professionals. 


To take it a step further, we are thrilled to have aligned Protect My Shoes with the American Cancer Society to exclusively fund Female Researchers. For more, click here