Anthea Walker is fiercely passionate, always giving 100% of herself to her family, friends, clients, charitable causes, and everything else that she's involved in. To call Anthea a friend is a blessing and in honor of Black History Month, we're so happy to shine the spotlight on this fabulous entrepreneur who knows no boundaries. She forges ahead with purpose, grace and positive intentions despite the challenges she faces. As a seasoned businesswoman, Anthea's newest venture is AW Concierge, a property concierge and lifestyle management company "servicing active professionals seeking the gift of time." On a personal level, Anthea's biggest accomplishment is raising two amazing young men and their bond is very special. She is on my speed dial for any #boymom advice. Read on to find out why Anthea is our latest fab feature! 

What is your favorite quote or life motto?

To live a life of purpose and influence those around me positively. 

What intentions have you set in motion for you personally and professionally in 2022?

For me, one of the most important personal intentions is being consistent and committing to some form of daily physical activity.  I don’t really believe in resolutions because most times they fall by the wayside, but I do believe in a few lifestyle changes to enhance the quality of life.  I'm hoping to continue bicycling which I love, walking, a Pilates class or going to the gym to improve my health as a priority and commit to a healthy lifestyle. Also, schedule a date with Anthea.  I had the opportunity after a meeting this week to drive on the A1A, popping in at the beach, watching and listening to the waves was pure joy.  I felt a level of renewal and purpose.

The most important professional intention which is in motion is to maintain a better work life balance. Entrepreneurs are fortunate to set their schedules, but I have a tendency to overbook myself trying to multitask or accommodate non-work-related tasks or activities during the course of the day. However, going forward the discipline to manage my professional calendar during business hours will be critical. As women we are created to help the world, be involved, give endlessly, which are all great attributes, but I want to improve on that work life balance so that I’m taking time for myself when I need a break.

You wear many hats including mother, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.  How do you do it all?

Fortunately, my guys are self-sufficient now, but the same principle has carried along since they were kids.  I wake up early and always squeeze in about an hour of work, meditation, or anything to have one less task to complete.  We have a text message group and FaceTime  to communicate. It is a bit challenging since my 20-year old tennis player travels internationally, but we find the time to stay connected as a family. Being raised in a philanthropic family is part of my fabric allowing me to juggle the many organizations that are dear to my heart. It has become no different than taking care of my boys or running my business.  Philanthropy is part of my life which encompasses the Food program my grandma founded in Brooklyn 30 years ago, a food bank in Tamarindo Costa Rica, a bible program in Costa Rica, a children education program in Jamaica and American Cancer Society ResearcHERS initiative.  Honestly, there are still a few more international projects down the road but for now every day I assess who and how I can help bring about change to someone’s life. 

To date, what is your greatest accomplishments?

My greatest accomplishments are my boys…actually young men. They always challenge me to follow my dreams, persevere through obstacles and celebrate their accomplishments. 

What is one fact that most wouldn’t know about you?

As much as I enjoy travel, there is a side of me that yearns quiet time at home watching a Chick Flick or Rom Com. 

You started your own luxury concierge business.  What types of services do you offer and how did your business come about?

AW Concierge was founded to fulfill the increasing demands of client’s personal, professional, and social life. While managing my vacation rentals, clients' service requests rapidly increased which ultimately birthed AW Concierge. The company focuses on two areas, property services and lifestyle management. Property services  include managing client’s property, vacation rentals, and relocation. Lifestyle management services include personal shopping, event assistance, transportation logistics and more. AW Concierge is a Property Concierge and Lifestyle Management company servicing active professionals seeking the gift of time. 

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in building up your business and how did you overcome that obstacle?

The biggest challenge to date is building a new business in a new City.  I have been an entrepreneur for almost 20 years in NYC until moving to Delray Beach 3 years ago.  The process of developing new business relationships, marketing to new clients and managing the business is challenging. I take one day at a time knowing that I am giving my very best and allowing myself to take my time to build a solid business foundation.

You have two wonderful and accomplished sons.  What is the one piece of advice/lesson that you instilled in them?

I don't know where to start but I’ve always impressed upon them to love God, love people and let your life be filled with integrity.

Now let’s talk fashion! How would you describe your personal style?

My style is simply me….It adapts to the environment, my personal feeling of the day and how I want to look on the outside.  It can be trendy, but at times classic. The beautiful joy of fashion is that it’s personally curated. Your style is an expression of you and how you're feeling.

Who’s your celebrity style crush?

Sarah Jessica Parker aka Carrie Bradshaw..I love her fun nature that in my opinion exudes confidence in her fashion style.  Unapologetic, NYC, Chic.

What’s your go-to outfit when you're pressed for time?

Honestly, I collect dresses, especially casual everyday dresses that can be thrown on at any time. There's this one leopard print dress that I found in France that I have not been able to find anywhere else that is probably my favorite right now. 

What’s your fashion or beauty indulgence?

Funny thing, I love designer sneakers because you can wear them with a dress, and you still look dressed up.  I vividly remember attending Moulin Rouge Paris wearing a beautiful black dress and designer sneakers.

Which shoe brand do you love the most?

Geez. Christian Louboutin pumps are on the top 5 list.

What is your favorite shoe style?

A classic pump.

You created custom AW Concierge shoe stuffers to gift clients.  What is it that you love about the product?

The shoe stuffers are by far the most adorable stuffer to protect your designer shoes. With my frequent travel schedule my shoes would be reconfigured by the time I arrived at my destination.  Recently, traveling to London the shoe stuffers, which are super light, saved my shoes since my luggage was overpacked.  It held the shape without stretching, no creases or wrinkles and the travel bag was a bonus. I felt that sharing this beautiful product with my clients was so important just as a token to them to show that we appreciate them as clients and we understand the importance of the little things or details like keeping your shoes without creases. 


What is your dream travel destination?

Seychelles- a beautiful archipelago of islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa.

What cocktail best describes your personality?

The first thought is a Spicy Margarita but again it depends on the day.  However, when hanging out in Europe it will usually be a Rose or Prosecco. 

If you could have dinner with three special guests, who would they be?

Well I was born and raised in London so I would've loved the chance to have tea with Princess Diana at, lunch with Sarah Jessica Parker, and brunch with Michelle Obama. 

Make sure to follow Anthea on Social Media! 

Instagram: @aw.concierge

Instagram: @annie_charmaine45

Facebook: @awconcierge

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